Influence of microwave equipment on ingredients of food raw materials
Issuing time:2022-06-08     Number of times read:     Fonts:【BigMiddleSmall

With the development of microwave technology and the improvement of people's cognition, microwave drying equipment is used more and more in the food industry, such as microwave curing of whole grains, microwave drying and sterilization equipment for spices and pickles, microwave drying equipment for fish bait and cat litter, and microwave drying of Chinese herbal medicine. Equipment, the following will specifically talk about the impact of microwave drying equipment on food during the drying process.

1. The influence of microwave drying equipment on grease

Under the action of light, oxygen and heat, grease is prone to oxidative rancidity, thickening and discoloration. High-intensity short-term microwave radiation can significantly reduce the degree of oxidation of vegetable oil, but has little effect on the acid value of vegetable oil. Microwave heating oil is faster than traditional steam heating in actual frying process application, and the damage to oil is also less than traditional heating. Microwave heating of grease does not heat the outer edge of the oil like ordinary heating methods, and then spreads inward, but heats it from the inside to the outside. Therefore, proper microwave treatment will not affect the original composition and nutritional value of the oil.

2. The influence of microwave drying equipment on carbohydrates such as starch and sugar

Oligosaccharides can absorb microwaves, sucrose and glucose can absorb microwaves and melt, and large doses of microwave radiation can dehydrate them into caramel. Oligosaccharides heat up rapidly under microwave conditions, so beware of caramelization of their sugars when processing foods with a high sugar content. Starch is the main component of cereal food, and the quality of cereal food is closely related to its starch content, type and state of existence. Completely dry starches rarely absorb microwaves, but starches normally contain water and can co-exist with many other food ingredients.

3. The influence of microwave drying equipment on vitamins

In food processing, vitamins in fruit and vegetable products are to be protected. Studies have found that microwave damage to vitamins is much less than conventional processing. Therefore, microwave processing technology is very suitable for fruits and vegetables. From the perspective of vitamin nutritional value, the quality of microwave heating is relatively high.

(1) The main reason for the loss of vitamin C is that it is easily oxidized. Heating is the main reason for the reduction of vitamin C content. The higher the temperature, the longer the action time and the more vitamin C loss. In the process of processing, the shorter the heating time at high temperature, the more favorable it is for the preservation of vitamin C. The microwave processing has more vitamin C than the vegetables processed by the traditional method. microwave dryer

(2) Vitamin E Under the action of microwave radiation, unstable components such as unsaturated fatty acid and vitamin E in vegetable oil will change to a certain extent, thus affecting the quality of vegetable oil. Under different microwave irradiation time, the content of vitamin E in vegetable oil changed significantly, but appropriate microwave radiation intensity can better preserve vitamin E in food

(3) Vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and vitamin A Vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin B6 are B vitamins that are sensitive to light and heat, and have varying degrees of loss during processing. It is also sensitive to heat, and vitamin A is easily broken down in the presence of high temperatures and oxygen. Microwave has no special effect on vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin B6, and has a slight destructive effect on vitamin A, but the effect is much smaller than that of traditional processing technology.

4. The effect of microwave drying equipment on protein

Microwave has little effect on the protein content of milk, nor does it damage and decompose the amino acids in soy sauce, and proper microwave treatment can also improve the nutritional value of soybean protein. Microwave toasting also increases the nutritional value of its protein relative to traditional baking methods.

Next:Baichengyuan microwave power supply application range
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